
MNEIS – Minnesota Election Integrity Solutions

No Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting Bill FAILS in MN!

As published in Alpha News HERE, The latest iteration of ranked-choice voting legislation — that’s been exclusively pushed by DFLers at the Capitol in recent years — failed in the final hours of session on Sunday. And three Democrat state representatives helped sink the bill in a vote on the House floor. HF3276 would give all cities, counties …

Ranked Choice Voting Bill FAILS in MN! Read More »

Ranked Choice Voting Push Continues at MN Capitol

Currently, only municipalities that are self-governed by charter can implement RCV, and that must be done by a voter-approved ballot referendum. HF3276 would amend state law to allow municipal governments of all forms to implement ranked-choice voting by ordinance, referendum or charter amendment.  This bill was approved by the Elections Committee  on 3/13/24. Read the …

Ranked Choice Voting Push Continues at MN Capitol Read More »

No To Ranked Choice Voting – The Fight Is Not Over Yet!

With the help of many of our MNEIS volunteers we beat back a disastrous Rank Choice Voting bill that would have adopted a fraudulent system of voting here in Minnesota. The fight is not over yet. The bill is now headed to a RCV Task Force for study, with recommendations expected back to the MN …

No To Ranked Choice Voting – The Fight Is Not Over Yet! Read More »