
MNEIS – Minnesota Election Integrity Solutions

May 2024

Ranked Choice Voting Bill FAILS in MN!

As published in Alpha News HERE, The latest iteration of ranked-choice voting legislation — that’s been exclusively pushed by DFLers at the Capitol in recent years — failed in the final hours of session on Sunday. And three Democrat state representatives helped sink the bill in a vote on the House floor. HF3276 would give all cities, counties …

Ranked Choice Voting Bill FAILS in MN! Read More »

What Can Congress Do To Ensure Illegals Are Not Unlawfully Voting?

This is a transcript of testimony given to the House Administration Committee on May 16, 2024. It has been edited for length.  Read the full article here:  https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/17/3-things-congress-can-do-to-protect-american-elections-from-foreign-interference/ Excerpts:  Preserving and protecting the ability of American citizens to participate fully in our democratic system is one of the most important duties of Congress. That requires …

What Can Congress Do To Ensure Illegals Are Not Unlawfully Voting? Read More »