
MNEIS – Minnesota Election Integrity Solutions

No Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting Bill FAILS in MN!

As published in Alpha News HERE, The latest iteration of ranked-choice voting legislation — that’s been exclusively pushed by DFLers at the Capitol in recent years — failed in the final hours of session on Sunday. And three Democrat state representatives helped sink the bill in a vote on the House floor. HF3276 would give all cities, counties …

Ranked Choice Voting Bill FAILS in MN! Read More »

Ranked Choice Voting Push Continues at MN Capitol

Currently, only municipalities that are self-governed by charter can implement RCV, and that must be done by a voter-approved ballot referendum. HF3276 would amend state law to allow municipal governments of all forms to implement ranked-choice voting by ordinance, referendum or charter amendment.  This bill was approved by the Elections Committee  on 3/13/24. Read the …

Ranked Choice Voting Push Continues at MN Capitol Read More »

Jonathan Aanestad, Co-Chair of MNEIS testifies against Ranked Choice Voting in Minnesota

Minnesota Election Integrity Solutions Co-Chair Jonathan Aanestad testified at the Ranked Choice Voting hearing on March 17, 2023. MN Election Integrity Solutions is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization, with over 200 volunteers, trying to bring honesty and transparency to our elections. For more information about MNEIS, or if you would like to volunteer and get on …

Jonathan Aanestad, Co-Chair of MNEIS testifies against Ranked Choice Voting in Minnesota Read More »

No To Ranked Choice Voting – The Fight Is Not Over Yet!

With the help of many of our MNEIS volunteers we beat back a disastrous Rank Choice Voting bill that would have adopted a fraudulent system of voting here in Minnesota. The fight is not over yet. The bill is now headed to a RCV Task Force for study, with recommendations expected back to the MN …

No To Ranked Choice Voting – The Fight Is Not Over Yet! Read More »